2020 Face Shield Efforts


During the lockdown, my brother and I used our personal 3rd printer and supplies to manufacture face shields. For the initial months, we manufactured for Lowell Makes, a community maker-space that set up distribution of personal protective equipment to local hospitals.

During the summer months of July and August, the Lexington High School robotic’s team (the Two Bits and a Byte) created face shields for the staff and faculty of the Lexington Public School system. The face-shields were 3D printed, and then clear plastic front panels were laser cut.

I hand-sanded down the inside edges of each face shield so they did not hurt the forehead over prolonged periods of time. We printed a total of 729 face shields for LPS over the summer!

The picture below shows our last delivery of 350 face shields, with our Superintendent Dr. Julie Hackett and the Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, Mr. Coelho in the center.

In school now, I often see my teachers through Zoom wearing the face shields I printed! The ones I have talked to say the face shields are comfortable, and that they feel safer wearing them.